Friday Night Date Night: Harry Potter Double Feature, Pt. 3 of 4 - B.T. Polcari

Friday Night Date Night: Harry Potter Double Feature, Pt. 3 of 4

Today is our second to last ✨Harry-Potter specific Friday Night Date Night post! I've had such a great time putting these together, and my daughter has been taking her "cover photo" job a bit too seriously 😂 I hope you all have been having as much fun as I have! I wonder what we will do next month…

Tonight's meal is courtesy of two of my favorite characters - Mrs. Weasley (main course) and Hagrid (dessert). I wish I could take credit for the amazing recipes, but alas earwax. Wait 🧐 I mean "alas I cannot". Dinah Bucholz created these recipes and compiled them in her "Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook" - she deserves all the accolades!




Main Course: Herby Roast Chicken with Onion-Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Chapter 9 in Order of the Phoenix


Dessert: Rock Cakes, Chapter 11 in Half-Blood Prince (…and the entire series in general!)


Once again, there were loads of great recipe options for both books as we see a lot more of Mrs. Weasley's cooking between the Order of the Phoenix and holidays at the Burrow.

💭 If you could have 1 food-related item from the wizarding world, what would it be?

✨ Have an awesome weekend everyone! ✨


Originally posted on Instagram.